Thursday, October 5, 2017

Turn my eyes from worthless things

Phil 4:6-9

We live in interesting times.  Fear and conflict are the order of the day.  Class against class. Race against race.  Random and senseless acts of violence.  Conflict within the Church. Conflict against the Church.  We are bombarded with 24/7 365 fear coverage (media), and we can share with the world our outrage, anger, fear, wrath, hate, and judgement with a simple click of the button.  We can, without looking people in the eyes, decry them heretics, hate-mongers, idiots, and anything our fear creates for us to say.  We voluntarily share and re-share messages of people that we can’t stand, handing over to them the power of reach and fame. We do so in the name of outrage and to allow us to tell anyone who will listen how wrong we think they are, but what we are really doing is spreading them like a virulent cancer.  And in all this, we have no peace.  Why?  It’s not of God. 

We claim we want peace in our lives and in our lands.  We have hundreds of kinds of pills dedicated to alleviate our anxiety and depression, and self-medicate with food, sex, more TV, and a myriad of other distractions.  And still, we know no peace.  It’s a hamster wheel of disillusion and emptiness.  Why?  None of it is of God. 

The question this raises to me is simple.  Do we want peace within ourselves and do we want to change the world?  My answer is irrevocably, YES!  If your answer is yes too, then I have some fantastic news for you.  We can and we start by paying attention to the reading. 

Brothers and sisters:

Have no anxiety at all, but in everything,

by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,

make your requests known to God.

Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding

will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers and sisters,

whatever is true, whatever is honorable,

whatever is just, whatever is pure,

whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious,

if there is any excellence

and if there is anything worthy of praise,

think about these things.

Keep on doing what you have learned and received

and heard and seen in me.

Then the God of peace will be with you  

First things first, we unplug from fear.  The very first lines tell us the foundational step we need to take to build our house of peace.  Be anxious for nothing, have no anxiety, and it tells us what to plug into that space instead: thanksgiving.  This isn’t a one off theme told to us only in this scripture either, there are at least 100 verses that tell us, “Fear not!” or “Be not afraid!” specifically.   When we expand that to phrases like “being anxious”  or “worry” then we have more than 365 verses.  I’m sensing a theme, and that theme is the understanding that fear doesn’t come from Him.  God doesn’t just love as a verb, He IS love and the origin of all love.  Perfect love (God) drives out all fear. (1 John 4:18) Paul tells us in Phillipians to plug thankfulness into our prayers, that’s faith.  The circumstances that make us fearful show us where we are lacking in faith (the faith that God will/does/can work all things for our good. Romans 8: 28)  So when we understand that, we can replace fear with faith and our anxiety with thanksgiving.  That brings peace the world cannot take.

That’s just the foundational step though, isn’t it?  It’s HUGE, don’t get me wrong.  Doing that in everyday life, in every genre, no matter what is a huge leap forward in our spiritual walk.  Then Paul takes it another level or two higher.  He gives us instructions about what to dwell on every day.  He is helping us build the rest of this house of peace.  He is telling us to seek these things that are of God.  Whatever is GOOD, TRUE, HONERABLE, PRAISEWORTHY, PURE, LOVELY, GRACIOUS…think on THESE things.  Pay attention to those things, and then he gives us a commission.  Because once we’ve changed our minds, it only stands to reason that our actions follow suit. 

Do what you have learned, because not only does practice make perfect within you, the practice becomes like a river of blessing flowing out from you to everyone else.  We see that in Paul’s example, and every other saint that adopted this as their way of life.  Because it is a way of life.  It’s making the choice to do this and be this every minute of every day about everything you face. 

The more we do this, the more we can share the peace of God with the world, and slowly but surely-one by one-we steal power from the fear, evil, lies, and wrong doing that kept us bound and gagged in the first place.  When we make the commitment to follow him, we cease being slaves of sin, and now we have to stop acting like we still have those chains. 

Just some food for thought and prayer.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for all the circumstances of my life as I believe you will work all things for good, in love, to guide me to your plan.  May I be obedient at every step, by your Grace, looking for Your hand in all things.  In Jesus name, Amen! 

Here I am, Lord, send me!

Lisa Brandel 

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